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Ecotourism – Burren


Ecotourism is defined as "responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves thewell-being of local people." (TIES, 1990)


       Minimize impact.

       Build environmental and cultural awareness and respect.

       Provide positive experiences for both visitors and hosts.

       Provide direct financial benefits for conservation.

       Provide financial benefits and empowerment for local people.

      Raise sensitivity to hostcountries' political, environmental, and social climate.


The Burren is classified as a Geopark (anarea with outstanding geological and cultural heritage of internationalimportance).


In our hostel, we work towards theprinciples of ecotourism by raising awareness of the outstanding natural andcultural value of the area, by minimising visitors impact during their visit andby promoting local products and sustainable activities.




Burrenbeo Trust

                    Based in Kinvara, Co.Clare.

                    Ireland's very first landscapecharity.

                    Aim: to promote and support thesustainable management and use of the unique landscape and heritage of the Burrenthrough:

?                    Education (schools, students,interpretation, guided tours, talks, etc...)

?                    Awareness (events, outdooractivities, learning materials...)

?                    Visitor management (highquality accessible information, authentic experiences, etc...)

?                    Conservation volunteers(involvement of local population and visitors)

    We are business members, supporting the works and projects of theTrust through financial support and promoting their work.


The Connemara Hostel

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